National Sports Services has performed extensive market analysis for prospective new teams in new markets, and as part of due diligence prior to the potential acquisition of an existing franchise. Market research includes trade area, residential and business travel patterns, competition, demographics, socio-graphics, proximity to other teams, pricing structures, media outlets, business base, economic trends, team history in the market, political climate and other key elements which can determine the prospects for long-term success in a market.
Below is a partial list of active franchises that were prefaced by detailed market analysis performed by NSS:
Bakersfield Condors
Chicago Bulls
Colorado Eagles
Gastonia Grizzlies
Greenville Road Warriors
(now Swamp Rabbits)
Gwinnett Gladiators
(now Atlanta)
Harrisburg Senators
Johnstown Mill Rats
Lafayette Aviators
Lake Erie Crushers
Lexington Legends
South Bend SilverHawks
(now Cubs)
Stockton Thunder
The Spartanburgers
Wilmington Sharks